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Auto Products

  • 60 day Buy Back

    If within 60 days after purchase of a new automobile, you are dissatisfied in any way, you can return your vehicle.

  • Auto Deductible Reimbursement

    Provides auto insurance deductible reimbursement of up to $1000 when a claim is filed and paid with a primary insurance carrier.

  • Auto Lockout

    Reimburses member (or eligible family member) for the service of a locksmith when member is inadvertently locked out of his/her primary automobile.

  • Dent Repair

    Members are provided with protection in the event their vehicle(s) suffers a dent or ding.

  • DNA Trace

    UV traceable strip which is put on all four doors, the trunk and the hood. The strip leaves a UV traceable number that can identify the car and owner by calling an 800 number.

  • Expert Opinion Service

    Toll-Free number provides member various services such as: repair referral, repair/service confirmation and cost confirmation.

  • Roadside Assistance

    If a member's automobile is disabled and cannot be driven safely, this benefit covers a tow service to the nearest repair facility.

  • Total Loss Protection

    If the member's automobile is involved in an accident, and deemed a total loss, the member will be reimbursed up to $2500 per vehicle.

  • Paint and Fabric Protection

    Reimburses member to repair paint and fabric on their automobile due to damage, spills and stains.

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